Saturday, June 29, 2013

profound ponderings.

These are a few words from a sincere, deep, friend of mine. 
 love their writing.
Read on, be blessed.  

calm down, set confusion at bay, listen.
You know what I’ve already told you, light.
You have darkness that needs to be exposed. Otherwise you’re eaten away, like having rotten spaghetti in your closet. Who could dwell with you? Loneliness is only for those who are unwilling to expose their darkness…
I understand all things, so you don’t actually have to.
Do you know my voice?
Honey, you’re a sheep, and I’m the Shepherd. So often you try to be king, and its so confusing because it’s not your job. You’re my sheep and you follow me. You don’t need to see anymore of the path than you see now. The only vision you need, is the space between us.
Can you breathe for a second? Do you know that I’m good? Why do you fear? What is it that hinders me from finishing you? Nothing.
And you think that I’m asking you to cease to exist, when I’m actually wanting to give you true existence. Crucifixion is one element, but it’s not your end.
You’ll be pure enough to reflect me.
There is an ocean in your future, but for now you need to develop a root system. You know where roots grow deepest… the desert.
and this is my desert:
No claim to fame, no titles or products, no fulfilled promises in the sight of man, no pride in image, or even an image to bear. Every insecurity exposed: unproductive, unknown, unattractive, unskillful, lazy and quiet.
But in this desert I gain something better than man’s approval.
Deep Roots.
“Forget your perfect offering
there is a crack in everything
that’s how the light gets in”
-Leonard Cohen

- an anonymous friend. 
Feel free to let me know your thoughts on this awesome content.  

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